Saturday, November 6, 2010

Open Roads

Sometimes you meet someone at the wrong time in life.  I've recently been really dependent on certain people in my life and I am now coming to realize that I dont need those kind of relationships. Its really important to be somewhat selfish sometimes and thats hard to understand when your on the outside. I always try to take something positive from every person I encounter.

And recently I've learned a whole lot from one person and I kind of feel like Im loosing that person now. For a period this was really upsetting to me I didn't understand it. But now that I've really thought about things tho this might not have been the way I wanted things to go it might be the way you need it to go.

I've always had issues with letting people into my life. I tend to be very outgoing and social but their are few people I consider to be real friends or people that I would make an effort to keep in my life.

So its really hard when I've met someone like that and I dont feel they think Im worth making the effort to keep around , and that's when I tell myself this was just bad timing I guess.

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